Saturday, May 18, 2013

God is so faithful!!

So, there's a lot of exciting things that have happened this year that I've been meaning to write about and today, I finally feel like writing about them, so here it goes:

On Friday, Feb 8, 2013, at dinner time, I mentioned to Thao that I wanted to check out the new church (The Master's Plan). Upon hearing this,  the kids asked if they could come with me and then Thao said, "Well, if the kids go, I want to go too!" Well, of course, this blew me away! I NEVER thought he'd ever say that he wanted to go to church!! So, this was a very big step for him and a very special event for the kids and I! It is something I will never, ever forget!!

Saturday, February 16, 2013 was the first time we went to church as a family at The Master's Plan! It was very special and exciting, yet I was kind of nervous, not knowing how it was going to go, but all went great! Both the kids and Thao had a great time and of course, everyone was very welcoming and sweet. I met Heidi that day and got reaquainted with Roby. I also met Jessica Di Bella. 

Sometime in February, I started going to the Women's Bible Study at Heidi's house. We studied the Book of Daniel, using a workbook by Beth Moore. It was so interesting and came at the perfect time, since I'd been reading the Left Behind Series and had a bunch of questions about what the Bible says about the end times. I also met a bunch of wonderful women, whom I will never forget: Heidi, Jessica, Julie, Julia, Courtney, Roby, Jana, Jordyn and one more lady (can't remember her name, right now). And of course, Sharon was there too! :)

Friday, March 1st, 2013 holds a special place in my heart, which is when Zach asked Jesus to come into his heart, so that he could live forever. He wanted to do this after asking me about Jesus. I told him that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and if he accepts Him, he will live forever with Jesus. It was so sweet and special and I'll never forget it. He was 5 years old. I remember I was 4 when I accepted Jesus into my heart. I was at Cecile's house and she helped me pray to Jesus, asking Him to come into my heart.

3/25/13 -  At church in the main sanctuary with Zach (he wanted to stay with me - Thao stayed home that night), Zach saw me clapping to a song, so he was clapping his heart out and then, when he saw me lifting my hands, praising the Lord, I looked over and he was raising his hands, praising God too! It was so sweet and special. <3

3/30/13 - Zach and I were driving in the car and Zach was talking about how daddy doesn't believe in God and he asked me if I could pray for his daddy so that he will know that God is real. So, I prayed with him that God would reveal himself to Thao and show him that He's real. It was special and sweet of Zach to ask for that.

3/30/13 - There was an Easter Seder at my church and Jessica, Janet, Nick, the kids and I went. We had a great time. It's so interesting, learning all about the Easter Seder, which they've been doing since Jesus was on the Earth.

Sometime in March, Jana (who is a chiropractor and nutritionist) put me on a gluten free, dairy free diet and so far, I've lost 6 lbs. I've also discovered that I'm allergic to gluten because I have a bad reaction when I accidentally eat it. I get a bad headache and body aches (in my muscles and joints) for 2 or 3 days! I'm also starting to wonder if the meds I'm on are messing up my gut because the gut and the brain are tied in together. The gut is made up of the same material that the brain is, so if your gut it damaged, it can affect your brain. So either 1.) I've always been allergic to gluten and it's the reason for my mental issues and being underweight in the past or 2.) the meds I'm on have messed up my gut (actually, I know they have) and caused me to gain all of this weight in my stomach. Or all of the above! It seems that before I took my meds, there was an imbalance in my system and now that I'm on the meds, there is an imbalance in my system. So, I need to find the proper balance somehow, which may mean, getting off of these meds! Oh, in addiction to the diet I am on, I am also taking a bunch of vitamins, as well as some Chinese medicine (Mood Enhancer TCM and Liver Balance TCM) and they all make a big difference in the way I feel. I also need to start exercising again! I am so out of shape, it's not even funny! I even have back issues now; it's really bad!

In other news, last Sunday (Mother's Day), Thao, the kids and I tried out the Vineyard Church, which is across the street from our new condo. It's called Vineyard North OC. It's so close that we walked there, which was nice. The people there were very welcoming, the kids made friends (except for Zach, because he sat with us. He was too shy to stay with the little kids), the sermon was good and the worship was awesome! Some people noticed we were new and introduced themselves to us. We also introduced ourselves to the pastor, Sid Rogers. He's real nice and I liked what he had to say, during the sermon. 

Then this past Thursday, I went to a women's bible study at Amber's church and had a great time! There were 6 of us, including Amber and I and they were all so friendly, sweet and easy to talk to! We were all talking up a storm, in between the study. Two people there, besides Amber and I, are into natural health, so we had a lot to talk about. :) I'm planning to go every Thursday because it feels good to get out and have "me" time with the girls! I love the support I get from them too! And they have lots of good info about health and God! So every other Thursday is a bible study and every Thursday in between is a women's night out! So much fun!! So, it was Amber, Rebecca, Dana, Jessica, Tamara and I. 

And this Sunday, we are going to try out Amber's church, as a family. It's called Faith Community Nazarene. From talking to Amber, I've realized that we both have the same beliefs. I've also listened to two sermons from her pastor online, as well as one from Amber (she's the assistant pastor at that church) and I've really liked what they've had to say. Plus, the people I've met from there, so far, are so friendly and easy to talk to, so I thought we might as well try it out! It's in Yorba Linda, so it's a 15 minute drive, rather than a walk across the street, like the Vineyard, but I figure it's good to try out a few churches before settling on one. 

So anyway, that's it for now. Time to go relax before we head out to The Master's Plan, to visit our friends! TTFN!! :)